At Telex UK, we work with our customers to properly understand the real cost of the energy they use so we can deliver the most cost-effective solutions to suit their business requirements.

Analyse and Advise

We always start with a bit of healthy analysis so we can build a picture of what energy the customer is using, how they use it and the costs they incur.

Our Analyse and Advise team are made up of highly experienced energy consultants who will review recent bills, current supply contracts and most excitingly of all, meter usage data.

Meter Operator (MOP) Agreements

By reviewing the type of MOP in place, we can potentially reduce Meter Operator Agreement charges by up to 50%.

Contract Exposure &
Pass-Through Charges

We help businesses better understand any contractual penalties, the potential effect of pass-through charges and the exposure to risk within their contract. This is vital for budgeting and better cost management.

Analysis of Suppliers’ Products and Tariffs

We work with over 20 suppliers across the market to give our customers access to competitive and secure contracts. We can procure contracts years in advance to take advantage of market movements and deliver long term budget certainty with contracts of up to five years.

Full Market Tracking Service -
Right Time to Buy

We actively monitor the market on a daily basis, advising our customers and helping them to make the most informed decisions as to when to procure their supply contracts.

KVA and Excess Charges

Immediate costs savings can be identified by looking at what capacity (KVA) is being used against what has been set by the local network, as well as identifying ways to optimise TCR (Triad Charge Reconciliation) charges for use of the transmission system. (TNUoS).

VAT, CCL and Overpayment Claim Back

Many businesses don’t realise that they may have been charged CCL or VAT incorrectly for their type of business, use of a building or even what they manufacture. We’ll look at these and other areas of over-charge that make up the costs on a bill– and could potentially claim for up to 6 years of rebates.

Usage Analysis

By understanding how energy is used within a business, we can advise on the most suitable tariffs to deliver a cost effective solution, as well as identifying possible areas for further investigation for our Monitor and Manage team – all to help lower usage and cost.

Meet Gemma Massey

Head of Analyse & Advice Team

My journey with Telex began in 2016 as their Recruitment Partner and I helped them to find the same people who I now work with today, I knew I wanted to work at Telex because it was such a vibrant, forward thinking business that really do put their staff and customers at the heart of what they do which is important. My team is more like a family to me, always supporting each other and as well as making sure we are delivery the same support to our customers. I feel lucky I took that leap of faith to join a new industry and being cheeky with pitching myself as my own candidate.